Know your risk. Know when to act. Know what to change.

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Kimi checks your understanding of your health by asking you heart, sleep and activity related questions  - almost like your GP would.

There are a multitude of factors that affect your long-term health and each one of those contribute to a life source – your heart! 

The main means to measure are your smartphone, clinically validated questionnaires and a LifeQ enabled device*. 

Accuracy levels



Measure in Freemium

Measure in Premium*

And that’s your aim – long-term health!

Kimi is an innovative health tracking solution designed to predict cardiovascular disease and promote long-term health.

The questionnaires create a contextual view of your health based on what you are aware of. Utilising features from your mobile phone measures more objectively with snapshots of a limited number of health metrics. Unlock clinical accuracy with a LifeQ enabled device that measures multiple health markers.

Accuracy levels



Measure in Freemium

Measure in Premium*

The questionnaires create a contextual view of your health based on what you are aware of. Utilising features from your mobile phone measures more objectively with snapshots of a limited number of health metrics. Unlock clinical accuracy with a LifeQ enabled device that measures multiple health markers.

© 2022 Momentum, a division of  Momentum Metropolitan Group Limited, an authorised financial services and credit provider. Kimi does not offer medical advice or diagnosis. Powered by LifeQ ®


12 months

R199.00  per month

Kimi Tracking includes

24 months

R 149.00 per month

Kimi uses multiple input sources, including a wearable tracker, to collect continuous heart, sleep and activity data.

State-of-the-art sensors enable Kimi to measure and record your heart, sleep and activity 24/7.

Your neighbourhood, work environment and how you commute contributes to your stress levels. Kimi takes these factors into consideration.

Kimi will always check in to see how you’re feeling. Whether good or bad, your general state of mind will have an impact on your sleep … and eventually your heart.


Payment options

And that’s your aim – long-term health!

Kimi is an innovative health tracking solution designed to predict cardiovascular disease and promote long-term health.

There are a multitude of factors that affect your long-term health and each one of those contribute to a life source – your heart! 

Kimi uses multiple input sources, including a wearable tracker, to collect continuous heart, sleep and activity data.

Kimi checks your understanding of your health by asking you heart, sleep and activity related questions  - almost like your GP would.

State-of-the-art sensors enable Kimi to measure and record your heart, sleep and activity 24/7.

Your neighbourhood, work environment and how you commute contributes to your stress levels. Kimi takes these factors into consideration.

Kimi will always check in to see how you’re feeling. Whether good or bad, your general state of mind will have an impact on your sleep … and eventually your heart.

12 months

R199.00  per month

Kimi Tracking includes

24 months

R 149.00 per month

Payment options

Know your risk. Know when to act. Know what to change.


What is your risk?

What's your risk?


3 months

FREE if you have a voucher

3 months

FREE if you have a voucher